1. Frames do not have copyrights. One frame can look like another. It allows replication of grand antique frames designs to suit old masterpieces.
2. Picture frames are available readymade or custom made. With the later there is a wide range of materials, colour, styles, and many glazing options. The frame presents your work and makes it hangable on a wall.
3. One of Vincent Van Gogh famous quotes is ‘A picture without a frame is like a soul without a body’.

5. Bespoke frames not only present art, photos, textiles etc, they also protect and preserve items for future generations if the right materials and techniques are used.
6. According to Guinness World records the largest collection of picture frames is owned by Lara Khoury from the United Arab Emirates. As of October 2010, she had collected a whooping 2,214 empty frames since 1992.
7. Early artwork of mummies thousands of years old has shown how Egyptians carved frames into the same pieces of wood as the paintings.
8. Portable frames like those made today arose when wealthy estates began to commission art works for their homes. They were produced by furniture builders, today its by specialism of picture framers.
9. Renaissance Italy featured elaborate frames within alters and other icons commissioned by the Church making them works of art in themselves.

10. The Fine Art Trade Guild was established to encourage and promote the best in art and framing. One hundred and eleven years later it continues to set standards & guidelines for the art and picture framing industry.
