‘It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see’
Henry David

To Present, Protect and Preserve the artwork
Well-presented imagery is a complete joy, its uniqueness, freshness and identity cannot but help evoke emotion in people.
As Art is not of a standard size, and different media vary in depth, clarity and properties individual tailor made frames are necessary.
A bespoke picture framer will enhance the art work by designing and constructing a creative well proportioned frame using techniques most suited to the project.
The Difference between GOOD and BAD framing

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Protect and Preserve
The longevity for artwork comes from a combination of proper framing and protection from environmental damage whist on display. Damage will devalue artwork and documents.
Artwork, particularly paper, is primarily under threat from the following:
Ultra violet light
Humidity and damp
Extreme heat and cold
Insects and mould
Air bourne pollutants
The quality of materials and techniques used by the framer
We aim to slow the rate of natural decay and damage from these threats by using best practice techniques and best quality materials, and framing to Level 2 (conservation level) where possible as routine and Level 1 (Museum Level0 if necessary.
Level 1 (Museum) & Level 2 (Conservation) Framing
Level 1 & 2 framing uses materials and methods designed to have an extended life whist causing minimum damage to the artwork, thus presenting, protecting and preserving it for future generations.
ph neutral or alkaline mount boards, backing boards, fixing tapes are used as acidic materials can cause discolouring and brittleness in paper. Impurities from the moulding are reduced by ph neutral tapes.
There is always a airspace between the art and glass (usually made by the mount) reducing condensation effects, such as foxing (fungal growth)bleeding and staining on the art work, from humidity changes.
Artwork is secured to a undermount with hinges made of ph neutral tape or polyester corner pockets.
Ever evolving glass technology offers a range of options to reduce fading and damage from UV light.
Proper sealing of the framing package reduces the potential for insects, dusts and aerosol pollutants getting in and causing damage.
There are various grades of conservation dependant on the sentimental, financial & historical value of the item and all of the processes are reversible.